Well-being at work is no longer a trend but a priority. There is no doubt that improving employee well-being is beneficial to an organization. But amongst the sometimes vague and varying definitions of ‘wellbeing’, it can be easy to overlook just how important your health is in supporting your role at work. Often employees forget the role good well-being plays in how well they perform at work until they are unwell and have to take a sick day.
According to the American Institute of Stress, an estimated 75-90% of visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related disorders, and studies confirm that occupational pressures and fears are the leading source of stress for American adults. As July 1st marks the start of health information week, we decided to assemble some info of our own on this subject. We want to share some simple steps that successfully improve health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Fauxels/ Pexels | Create healthy habits, not restrictions
Take a break
Work can feel overwhelming at times. Often there are deadlines to meet or insufficient time to complete the given tasks that trigger stress and anxiety. Work can feel relentless and frenetic and downright impossible to sustain. Take some time off and give time to yourself by taking breaks. Even the shortest break can make a world of difference. Get away from the computer and into the fresh air. Put the phone down and do something personally gratifying, such as reading a book, having a healthy snack, sitting in the sunshine, and generally taking a breather! Doing these things will surely improve overall health and wellbeing in the workplace.
Add some greenery to your office space

Jopwell/ Pexels | Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit
Regardless of whether your workspace is at home or in the office, adding some plants to your workspace is a great way to improve its look and feel. Even scientific evidence suggests interactions with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress.
Build connections
Socialization is another integral part of how workplaces try to promote healthy employees. A healthy social life can improve your mental wellness and physical health. Interacting with fellow employees can contribute to positive emotions and improved wellbeing. If your employer offers workplace wellness programs, participating in these also often involves socializing with coworkers.
Like with your breaks, try to avoid conversations with coworkers about work unless you're having walking meetings. So, for example, if you're socializing in the break room or walking with team members, try to talk about interests or hobbies instead of work.

Pixabay/ Pexels | To keep the body in good health is a duty
Use your vacation days
For some reason, although vacation days are a benefit we are entitled to as much as our salary, employees often feel guilty using all their vacation days. However, taking vacation days and time off is essential for your mental wellness and health. Time off helps reduce burnout, improves well-being, and increases productivity. This year, make one of your resolutions using every vacation day or time of day that you have.