Over the pandemic, people have continued to discover new and creative ways to keep themselves busy. Some people focused on getting into shape while others spent their time exploring new hobbies or adopting pets. Similarly, another select group of people dived deep into the world of plants.
Plants are great de-stressors—they have a positive impact on your mind and body and if you’re ever feeling lonely, make for great companions too. What many people tend to fixate on, however, is the fact that many plants require a lot of care and attention. However, there are some plants that don’t require you to take a break from work just so you can dash back home to check up on them.
So, if you are looking into getting a plant that doesn’t require daily attention, this list might be just the thing for you.
1. Cast-Iron Plant
The fact that it is named ‘Cast-Iron’ is already an indicator of its inherent resilience. It doesn’t require any extra sunlight or water to remain healthy and is reported to live over 50 years. While it doesn’t require a lot of shade, it definitely perks up and gets brighter when it gets a bit of sun. So, if you are looking for an reticent roommate, this plant is the one for you.

Getty Editorial | This plant got its name from its ability to withstand any circumstances except for direct sunlight
2. Snake Plant
This plant comes with many names but is often referred to as ‘snake plant’ and ‘mother-in-law’s tongue.’ But, on the contrary, this plant requires a lot less effort and care than your mother-in-law. The only two things you need to look out for when taking care of the plant is not to over-water it or freeze it. Other than that, snake plants are good with bright indirect sunlight or shaded indirect sunlight.

Pexels | The plant will definitely add an extra oomph to your apartment
3. Kalanchoe
The Kalanchoe plant is a part of the succulent family, which makes it a great water retainer. This means you don’t have to constantly stand guard with a water sprinkler on hand and instead, you can just wait for its soil to dry before whipping out your water hose. This plant originates from Madagascar, so you know it is going to withstand any temperature changes but generally speaking, it enjoys the warmer weather.

Pexels | Fair warning: you won't be able to stop yourself from taking 100 pictures of the plant
So, there you have it! These are the top 3 plants easiest to keep.
If you ask us, it’s time to go plant shopping.