Whether you’ve just discovered cardio or are motivating yourself to exercise after a long gap, there are a few things you must have on your fingertips to help you stay consistent on your goal. Be it the olympiad athletes or a muscleman, they too had an origin point, where they were nothing; they too kept venturing for the bull’s eye; and finally got there.
Gyms are overrated
Does the odor of sweat all over the gym disgust you? Do you live somewhere far from an approachable gym? Are you saving up dollars for a vacation, yet still want to stay fit? Then worry not, you can work as efficiently or even better in your own room with the right workout and the right equipment.

Dom J /Pexels | A skipping rope, dumbbells, and joggers can do you well.
Being a Freshie, Total-Body Workout Suits Best
When intending to work out, you might be having a specific body part in mind to coax, leading you to search for specific exercises. However, total body workouts are way more effective. Go for squats, dips, lunges, all the basics, without long intervals. Having short breaks during your sets result in better outcomes, turning these basic movements into a cardiovascular workout and burning more calories.
Ostensibly, the Efficiency of a Cardio Session is Independent of Time
The ideal time for a workout is a maximum of 30 minutes - but 30 minutes of a highly intensive workout. It does not only help you burn more calories in less time, but it also increases your stamina and tolerance, and improves your oxygen levels.

Jane Doan /Pexels |The platter represents a perfect meal for your healthy body.
Another factor that gives high-intensive workouts an upper hand on traditional cardio is that it assists in keeping you young inside and out by maintaining the growth hormone.
Stretching is a Must-Have in Your Exercise Schedule
There are two types of stretching- static stretching and dynamic stretching- the latter one is done before you begin working out, to activate your range of motion preventing muscle cramps, such as leg swings and arm circles. The former stretch includes leg stretches, splits, etc.; these are done to relax your muscles when your body is warm. The best positioning is to do the dynamic stretch first, and the static stretch at the end.

Yan Krukau /Pexels | Static stretching being conducted at the end of aerobics
Every Machine Needs Fuel
The more you drive a car, the more petrol it consumes. Likewise, gymnastics on a daily basis might increase your diet too, as your body itself is a machine; this isn't something to get worried about. One thing to keep in check, though is, what sort of fuel you supply it, make sure it's protein-rich and has sufficient carbs, vitamins, and calcium.