How many times have you taken out time to thank your best friend? We know you’re thinking about why you need to thank that silly boy/girl, but believe us, every once in a while, you should acknowledge just how much he/she does for you.

Chang Duong/Unsplash | Often, people fail to realize what a crucial role their friends play in their lives
Often, people run to their best friends for the smallest advice, but when it comes to thanking them, they forget that the person even existed in the first place! Been there, done that? No worries; now you have a chance to express your love to that special someone who has been keeping you healthy for a long time.
It's true! Friends are the reason we keep smiling all day long. They're the reason our mind and body have been healthy and functioning. And that's not it! There are a whole lot of other good things that friends do for our well-being.
They help increase Serotonin and Oxytocin in our body
Ever wondered why you feel so calm and relaxed after catching up with your friend? Why do you feel at ease after a Sunday lunch or a game night? Well, that's because hanging with friends releases feel-good hormones like serotonin and oxytocin in the body. So the next time you meet your friend, don't forget to give them a warm hug.
Friends promote longevity
If you’ve ever tried smoking or drinking in front of your friends, you would know how they react at these moments. They would either take the thing from your hand or give you a long stare. In short, they stop you from doing any harm to your body.
Plus, if they start practicing any new thing, like exercising or following a healthy diet, they push you to adopt it too. Meaning adding some more years to your regular lifespan.

Thiago Barletta/Unsplash | Friends stop you from doing things that would harm you or your body, and hence, they promote your longevity
Friends make us happy
Have you noticed that when you are with your friends, everything appears lighter and easier? It seems as if all the worries have disappeared; it's just you and these good moments.
Sometimes when people go through a rough phase, happier moments are crucial as they remind them of all the good things in life and give them a purpose for living. This not only makes them smile often but also boosts their self-confidence.
Female friends have a calming effect on others
Compared to men, females are better at handling stress. Studies show that during stressful periods, women release more oxytocin and adrenaline. It's the same hormone that helps them connect with others and makes them feel protective about their children.
When we spend time with female friends or turn towards them for support, the level of these hormones could also increase in our bodies. We would feel calmer and safer about our relationships and goals, thereby having a better sense of living.

Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash | When we spend time with female friends or turn towards them for support, we feel calmer and safer about our relationships and goals
Summing it up
We hope that by now you would realize how much of a positive influence your friend has on your life. As such, then we hope that from this day onwards, you'll be more grateful towards your friends and will cherish them more than ever.