Over 30 million people in the United States suffer from diabetes. The health condition requires careful consideration of portions/meals, constant blood sugar monitoring, and being prepared for unexpected spikes or drops in the blood sugar levels. If we look at this condition from a different perspective just for a second, it won't be wrong to say that being diabetic helps you to develop so much control over your eating and lifestyle choices, doesn’t it?!
Ella Olsson/Unsplash | Diabetes can increase the risk of eye infections, lead to nerve problems, as well as increase the likeliness of kidney and heart failures
Remember, by no means we are trying to promote this health condition. It’s certainly not easy to control your cravings at all times; plus, the treatment can be tough. We understand and empathize with anyone who is battling with this condition. All we want to do is promote a positive perspective.
Coming back to the focal point here, diabetes can prove to be fatal if you don't pay proper attention to it. It can increase the risk of eye infections, nerve problems, as well as kidney and heart failures. Thus, you should constantly monitor your blood sugar levels and know what to do if they spike.
First, a look into the triggers that cause a blood sugar increase
It's always a good idea to know what causes sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.
- The first and probably the most common trigger has to be food, particularly, simple carbohydrates. Food items like white bread, potatoes, and rice cause the fastest increase in blood sugar levels as the body breaks them down into sugar very quickly.
- In some cases, non-diabetic medications like beta-blockers, antipsychotics, and antibiotics can also boost your blood sugar levels. Steroids on the other hand are very well known for causing such a situation, which is why it's always a good idea to share your medical history with your doctor when seeking any treatment.
- Another common cause behind increasing blood sugar is stress and hormonal imbalance. Stress can definitely deteriorate your mental as well as physical health in the longer run, and similarly, hormonal fluctuations, usually observed in females depending on their menstrual cycle, also cause a spike in blood sugar levels.
BBH Singapore/Unsplash | In addition to food and medications, stress and hormonal imbalance can also lead to diabetes
How to lower down your blood sugar levels?
Indulge in physical exercise
If you have insulin resistance in your body, try and take a daily 15-minute brisk walk around the neighborhood. Doctors suggest that an intense 20 minutes' walk can lower down your blood sugar levels by 20-30%. In fact, any kind of physical activity like Zumba, jogging, or aerobics can do wonders for diabetic patients. The way it works is that your body requires more muscle strength when you are involved in such activities, and the glucose in your bloodstream works as a fuel which burns out when you move. This leaves your body with fewer glucose levels.
Be regular with your medication
Usually, a person suffering from high glucose levels is advised to take regular medication. In case you miss a dose or take it after a longer interval than what’s prescribed, there are high chances that your blood sugar levels may increase slightly. But the moment you come back on track, things will start coming back to normal.
Watch your sweet intake
This goes without saying. You will need to put a check on your sweet cravings. Not just artificial sweeteners, try limiting natural sweeteners too if your insulin levels are really low. Stick to savory dishes and avoid extra carbs. We know that sounds harsh, but if you’re strict for some time, you may be able to enjoy cheat days every now and then.
Towfiqu Barbhuiya/Unsplash | This goes without saying. You will need to put a check on your sweet cravings
A few final words
If you keep regular checks on your health and make the required lifestyle changes, managing diabetes can become easier. There are so many people who live an inspiring and happy life even after suffering from this health condition. So, if someone in your family is diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you keep motivating them and let them know that they're much stronger than the disease.