Unlike most other professionals in the world, medical residents undertake stressful jobs. They work longer hours, which deprives them of sleep. Similarly, they navigate through critical scenarios and medical emergencies that are more stressful than most other professions that you can think of. On top of that, they look after critical patients, hospital staff, and fellow residents.

RODNAE / Pexels / Unlike any other profession that you can imagine, medical residency is the most stressful job in the world.
Thus, the burnout of medical residents is apparent. Think about all the things that a medical resident has to carry out - from looking after critical patients (who breathe their last breaths in front of their eyes) to carrying out critical surgeries, all of these are carried out by a medical resident.
Ironically, medical residents barely find time to look after their own well-being. Since their job is so stressful and occupying, they simply can not make out some quality time to spend with themselves. As a result, they become a victim of prolonged stress.

Pixabay / Pexels / Because of the stressful nature of the job, medical residents can not properly look after themselves.
Thus, it is apparent that the elephant in the room remains unaddressed. We can not emphasize enough that medical residents need to take their time to look after their mental health.
Medical Residents Need to Ensure Sound Well-Being
Sound mental health is essential for medical residents. There is no doubt that at personal and professional levels, the sound well-being of medical residents is crucial. Unless a medical resident is not mentally sound enough, he can not properly look after the patients. Likewise, a sleep-deprived medical resident can not carry out critical surgeries. He may commit horrendous blunders that may cost the life of the patients.

Nas / Pexels / For medical residents, it is obligatory to look after their mental well-being.
One of the most effective ways of doing that could be reducing burnout at work. This means lowering the workload and reducing the work hours. Because residents barely find time to sleep, they get exposed to clinical depression and anxiety. And, of course, burnout is there that adds up to the vulnerability of the mental health of these medical professionals.
Be Compassionate
So, if you are a medical resident, address the elephant in the room first. Throughout your work hours, notice if you are getting exposed to burnout and stress. If that is the case, resolve the issue by funding alternative ways. However, remember that no one is there to rescue you in the hospital. You will have to be careful about yourself.
Similarly, if you ever happen to be in a hospital, be compassionate towards healthcare professionals. Understand that they are carrying out a stressful job. They are deprived of sleep and are exposed to mental illnesses. Mainly because of the burnout that they are exposed to. Ideally, offer a helping hand if you are in the position. To do the least, say some nice words of encouragement to them.