Warmer weather and lesser layers call for one thing and one thing only: sunscreen. The American Academy of Dermatology's recent survey of 1000 American adults showed that while 80% of people were aware of the importance of reapplying sunscreen every two hours, only 33% appear to be doing so. It also highlighted that 42% of people reapply sunscreen only if they get wet, otherwise not at all.
Pexels | The hotter the day, the more important the sunscreen
This situation is troubling. The importance of applying and reapplying sunscreen throughout the day couldn't possibly be understated. Sun damage does not only increase the signs of aging but can also cause deadly skin cancer. The fact seems to be that there's a lot of confusion surrounding this miracle product that can potentially save your life, so today, we're busting the top myths circulating about sunscreen.
Let's get right into it.
- The Higher the SPF, the Lesser You Apply
It does not matter whether you have an SPF 30 or 100 - you have to reapply your sunscreen every two hours. According to the University of Washington School of Medicine's head of the dermatology division Dr. Paul Nghiem, moisture and the sun break down the protective chemicals in sunscreen, rendering reapplication especially necessary after every two hours.
Unsplash | Your age doesn't matter - just get that sunscreen on!
- Sunscreen Decreases Vitamin D Levels
Dr. Anthony Young, a St. John’s Institute of Dermatology's professor of experimental photobiology, states that the little UVB that manages to permeate your sunscreen is more than enough for you.
Since the sunshine vitamin has a vital role in ensuring your wellbeing, from bone health to muscle function to immune function, researchers have ensured that your sunscreen doesn't get in the way of your vitamin intake. However, if you're deficient, you can always opt for dietary and vitamin supplements after consulting your doctor.
- Kids Need More Sunscreen Than Adults
While childhood sunburn does pose the risk of translating into skin cancer in later years, being exposed to the sun as an adult is also just as risky. By the age of 20, people get only 25% of the UV exposure of their entire lifetime, which means you have lots of time to prevent and avoid more sun damage. If you used little to no sunscreen as a kid, this is all the more important for you.
Pexels | Start providing protection against UV rays from a young age
Wrapping It Up
Sunscreen is one of those life essentials that can easily be overlooked or taken for granted. Don't make that mistake, and educate others around you as well. Be sure to pick one that provides coverage against both UVA and UVB rays. Stay safe and protected against skin cancer and early signs of aging!